The Pebatioga Women's Cooperative
The Pebatioga women’s cooperative was founded more than 10 years ago in the village of Tiébélé, in southern Burkina Faso. This village is in the Nahouri Province, which borders with Ghana, the population, mainly rural, is part of the Kassena ethnic group, with about 250 to 300 000 people, spread on both sides of the border.
The populations are devoted to the cultivation of cereals (millet, sorghum, maize), raising cattle, and are also renowned for their distinguished pottery.
Since its inception, the cooperative has been able to organize many activities that is benefiting its members including but not limited to:
- The production and sale of Shea butter produced traditionally.
- The harvest and preparation of Parkia biglobosa flour (or "Nere"), a sweet flour that is consumed mainly by children, and using the seeds of the same tree to prepare a condiment called "Soumbala", a seasoning similar to bouillon cubes to be added to sauces.
- The cooperative participates in several fairs and exhibitions all year long to sell their products
- Training (hygiene and health, women's organizations, good production practices, etc.)
- Offer Micro-credits its members.
- Solidarity and mutual help during family and social events (baptisms, weddings, etc).
Toogga's partnership with the Cooperative provides a continuous ethical channel that allows for its members to sell its products at a fair price while maintaining proper sustainable practices regarding the harvest of the Shea Nuts from the wild.